Affiliate Marketing for Beginners — Make Money Online In Just One Week or Less With The 12 Minute Affiliate!

PhilJames Tech Reviews
13 min readFeb 28, 2021


Forget about waking up at an ungodly hour, rushing into traffic, and trying to make it to the office before your boss realizes that you are late to work — that’s if you have an 8 to 5 job. Forget about pay-cuts and job losses in case you work in an industry that could be drastically affected by changes in the global economy, government regulations, new restrictions, or even policy changes at a national level or in your own company. Whatever the case may be for you, if you are reading this article you have made up your mind about looking to make some money online — then you are in the right place because affiliate marketing is for YOU!

We are living in desperate times and seasons. And with the changes that we have seen in 2020 with the global pandemic and job losses, the economy is no longer what we knew it to be. Digital business, e-commerce, and social media platforms have become commonplace and an essential part of our lives. We simply cannot do without the internet. And in these times there is no better way to make money online than to understand affiliate marketing, how it works, and how you can make money from it while you sleep.

So before I begin, let me just say that there are many ways that you can make money from the warmth of your bed or the comfort of your home. We are living in a digital world, where everything is interconnected. You can get a service or a product with the click of a button from anywhere in the world at any time of the day or night; it is just that simple. Affiliate marketing helps you to capitalize on these simple and interesting truths in order to start your journey to truly “unlimited wealth” so to speak. All this with minimal effort from your end.

Interesting, right? Read on for excellent tips on how to make money online with affiliate marketing. Soon after I will let you know about the 12-minute affiliate system and how new affiliate marketers (beginners/newbies) are making it with this online hack; as well as a few other people that have tried to make money online for months or even years without any real results.

To watch a video on the 12-minute affiliate system CLICK HERE.

To know more about the 12-minute affiliate system you can also scroll down to the bottom of this page for some highlights on what it can help you achieve as a beginner.

Understanding Affiliate Marketing

Perhaps you have already heard of the term affiliate marketing, but you have never quite taken the time to know more. Well, if you have ever referred a friend to a shop and didn’t get anything from it, affiliate marketing helps you turn all your referrals into real money $$$. And it does this simply by tracking all your referrals through an online system meant to mutually benefit you and the vendor. For every referral you make, the vendor (or retailer) will pay you a commission when they make a sale.

The beauty of affiliate marketing is that you do not have to sell a product that you own, but you promote other people’s products and get paid. So if you can generate enough traffic to convert into real customers and purchases then you can definitely begin to cash in on your efforts online.

Here’s how it works

Every affiliate marketer gets a unique ID from the online merchant, which will track referrals and complete sales. When you sign up on the online platform to be a marketer, you will get an affiliate link that contains the tracking code.
When your referral clicks on your link, the merchant site will pick it up using a tracking cookie.

The cookie with your unique ID allows the final sale to be attributed to you, as it gets picked up on the merchant’s website. To ensure that you get credit for the sale, you need to set up cookie duration. This option is made available on some platforms. Setting up a long duration will increase the chances of you making a sale and commission since the cookie stays longer on the computer of the person that browsed the offer page, and if they go back to make a purchase the cookie helps track the sale back to you.

Who’s involved in the process?

There are three parties involved in affiliate marketing.

  1. The seller or merchant whose goal is to sell as many products as possible.
  2. The final consumer looking for a product to satisfy a specific need.
  3. The affiliate marketer who provides the connection between the final consumer and the merchant

1. Seller and product creators

The seller which in most cases could be a solo entrepreneur or even a large corporation is also known as the vendor, merchant, product creator, or retailer with a product to market. The product can be physical, like household goods, or non-tangible such as a service, for example, an online service or software with a monthly subscription.

Also known as the brand, the seller does not need to be actively involved in the marketing, but they may also be the advertiser and profit from the revenue sharing associated with affiliate marketing.

For example, the seller could be an e-commerce merchant with a dropshipping business and wants to reach a new audience by paying affiliate websites to promote their products. Secondly, the seller could be a SaaS (Software as a Service) company leveraging affiliates to help sell a marketing software for example.

2. The affiliate or publisher

Also known as a publisher, the affiliate can be an individual or a company that markets the seller’s product in an appealing way to potential consumers. The affiliate promotes the product to persuade consumers that it is valuable or beneficial to them and convince them to purchase the product. If the consumer buys the product, then the affiliate receives a portion of the revenue made.

Affiliates most times have a very specific audience to whom they market, generally adhering to that audience’s interests — and this becomes the specific niche or personal brand that helps the affiliate to attract consumers who will be most likely to act on the promotion.

3. The consumer

The drivers of affiliate marketing are the consumers or buyers who eventually buy a product or service, whether they know it or not. Affiliates share these products with them on blogs, social media, and websites.

When consumers buy the product, the seller and the affiliate share the profits. At times, the affiliate will choose to be upfront with the consumer by disclosing that they are receiving commission for the sales they make. Other times the consumer may be totally oblivious to the affiliate marketing infrastructure behind the purchase that they make.

Either way, they will rarely pay more for the product purchased through affiliate marketing; the affiliate’s share of the profit is included in the retail price. The consumer will complete the purchase process and receive the product as normal, unaffected by the affiliate marketing system in which they are a significant part.

How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

The possibility of making money with affiliate marketing sounds easy, doesn’t it? Probably as easy as clicking on a button on the keyboard. However, as easy as it may look or sound it needs discipline and keenness to observing certain steps in order for it to be successful. Take into consideration some of the things we’ll highlight below.

1. What Is Your Niche?

You’ll need to convince those you are referring to buy the products to actually buy so that you make some money. It becomes easier if you find a niche that will allow you to focus on one particular area since you begin to get related content and become knowledgeable in that area. Your marketing campaigns can then be aligned suitably for the particular niche.

Tips for finding a niche include:

  1. Looking for an area that is of interest to you. When you have an interest in something, you’ll go out of your way to build your knowledge base. It’ll then become easy for you to create relevant material to help in marketing.
  2. Can you become an authority? Marketing requires that you are constantly pushing out relevant material to your target audience. Imagine pushing the same content over and over again to your social media friends, not only will you bore them to death, but you’ll lose followers.
  3. How much competition do you face? If there are too many people in that particular area, maybe it is time to learn something new? It is especially tough for a newbie to compete with the more experienced affiliate marketers.
  4. Can you make money? Finding a niche that does not have competition is all good, but will you be able to translate it into business? Remember, this is a business and not a hobby, at the end of the day; you need to see some money coming in.

2. You’ll Need a Website

Once you identify a niche and begin the journey towards generating a passive income the next thing that you need is a website. Note that you do not need to spend your “hard-earned” money on a website developer or expert to do it for you. Today there are a number of online resources and tools that can help you to quickly develop a website without IT-expertise or coding skills.

The site becomes the platform that allows you to target and engage an audience in your niche. Blog pages become key to engaging an audience and even for search engine optimization (SEO). Another way is to monetize your website by selling ad spots on it for example, with Google Adsense.

2. Content Matters

Affiliate networks are different. Some may have some more specific requirements based on the content that you put up on your website. They may require that you have the following in place:

  1. Content on your blog
  2. Adequate traffic to your website
  3. A certain number of views every month

A lot of the networks cannot sign you on until you can provide proof that your website is active. You can only make money for them and yourself if the search engines find you easily.

3. Look for Products to Promote

It is always easier to promote what you love or have a passion for. So follow the steps below to promote:

  1. When you know what you can promote easily begin to search for these products and services online to get to know which affiliate programs can promote them as well as how you can join these programs or networks as an affiliate.
  2. The next step is to get the affiliate links to promote and then write good reviews in order for people to buy. The important thing with the information that you give in your blog or website is for it to solve a problem for your target audience. Give the audience solutions that you generate through proper research on the products. Once you become an authority, you’ll realize that it gets easier to recommend products because they trust you.
  3. Feedback is important. Don’t forget to get listen to your audience/customers. They are the ones who’ll tell you what they want, and in return, you must do your best to find the solution.
  4. Take note of what other people in your niche are doing and be sure to catch up or be ahead of them by being competitive and strategic about how you promote your products and services. You can also learn a lot from the competition. Do your research on how they advertise, social media platforms that they use, and so on.

4. Make Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Networks

There is no difference between the affiliate marketplace and the real marketplace where you buy your day-to-day shopping items. So we’d like you to think of affiliate marketing networks as a marketplace. Retailers will post their products, and affiliate marketers will go in and choose the products they want to sell.

5. Check How You Are Performing

Even though this is passive income that you can make while asleep, it is important to monitor the progress of how you are doing online. After all, you are there to make money. There are many tools you can use for monitoring your progress online. You’ll then know which products are doing well for you, and which ones you need to ditch. It is just common sense to put your effort where there are results and forget about unproductive business ventures in the form of low-converting affiliate products.

The insight you get from the monitoring will also allow you to develop better content. Success in affiliate marketing will depend on how much your customers trust you. Only then can you hope for their loyalty and repeated business.

What to Watch out for with Affiliate Marketing

It’s clear that there are ways you can make money with affiliate marketing. However, just like any other business, there are certain things you need to be wary of including:

a) Get-Rich-Quick Schemes

As cliché as it may sound when the deal is too good think twice. Do not fall for anyone who promises to make you a millionaire overnight. It just doesn’t happen; unless you win the lottery.

b) Fake Training Opportunities

You’re new to the affiliate marketing world, and everyone is offering you training on how to make money with affiliate marketing. You’ll find many people selling eBooks, offering webinar training, among others.

We are in no way saying it is wrong to educate yourself, but, before you sign in, use what is available online for free. Do not commit too much of your money to webinars, especially the high ticket (highly-priced) ones. For a start, you can check out tools and programs that will cost you less than 10 dollars and work your way up — check out the 12-minute affiliate program by clicking on the LINK HERE.

c) Not Understanding What You’re Selling

When you join an affiliate network, your main goal should be to sell a product. Forget about those who operate like pyramid schemes. Also, avoid those which will require you to part with money before you make any. With so many credible networks, all you need to do is a little research before you sign onto any of the platforms.

d) Paying to Join an Affiliate Network

We have already touched on this above, but for the sake of driving it in, we’ll address it again. Don’t part with money to join an affiliate network. The credible ones will not ask you to pay anything.

Understand which platform you’re signing up on to avoid future disappointments. See how long the network has been around. Does it have a good track record of payment, how long has the domain name been around, among others?

Also, make sure you get contact information, in case you need help with anything.

12-Minute Affiliate System

This system is designed to make affiliate marketing easy even for the guy or lady that started doing this last night — it is the plug-and-play system for newbies that makes it easy to pocket affiliate commissions. If selling has been hard for you and you have not been making sales online then I recommend you watch the videos and take a look at some of the testimonials of some people who have suddenly realized good turnovers/sales after struggling for a while without seeing any results.

Tracey went from not making any money to making his first 496 USD on ClickBank in two days after he used the 12-minute affiliate program.

Even people on WarriorPlus and JVZoo have been making some reasonable amounts of money with the system. The same goes for the testimonial below:


The 12-minute affiliate system capitalizes on the following main features:

  • 100% Done-For-You Affiliate Sales Funnels — you do not have to do all the hard work because there are built-in sales funnels guaranteed to make you make sales.
  • ​Build An Email List AND Generate Sales At The Same Time — email lists have always been the holy grail of affiliate marketing because when you have a niche-specific group of people who trust you enough to buy from your recommendations, then at the click of a button with an email auto-responder you can sell any day.
  • ZERO Website or Product Creation — you don’t have to own a website or a product, all you have to do is place an advert for another company’s products and get paid a commission. The 12-Minute Affiliate would have you even not worry about setting up the website; it’ll do this easily.
  • 100% Newbie-Friendly — It is so easy to understand as you will get to understand from the video testimonials how quickly it is for anyone to understand, set up, and start making some money.
  • Easy Push-Button Traffic Solution & Done-For-You Opt-In Pages — you can buy traffic the same way you would order a Pizza, it is that easy.
  • Get your OWN Internet Business For About The Price of a Cup of Coffee A Day — the price is quite affordable. For close to 10 dollars you walk out with a revolutionary affiliate marketing tool designed for you as a beginner, and anyone else out there that has not been successful in making money online.

The system basically does all the heavy lifting for you as you get to relax and even sleep while the real money is made for you at the back-end by this powerful system.

CLICK HERE to know more about the 12-Minute Affiliate System and get a 76% discount when you buy through this LINK.


DISCLAIMER: This article contains affiliate links that will pay me a commission when you buy through them. If you like the content and the reviews on this page then your purchases will enable me to continue writing articles and blog posts that will give you value and hopefully enable you to become successful as well.



PhilJames Tech Reviews

Freelance Writer, Make-money Online Expert, Online Marketer, Affiliate Marketing, Market-Niche Specialization, and Product Reviews