Natural Reader Text to Speech Converter — Best Text To Speech Online Tool (2021)

PhilJames Tech Reviews
5 min readFeb 28, 2021


For any of you looking to quickly convert your text into speech with natural voiceovers, there are lots of tools that you could use out there. Maybe you are into online video marketing, or just want to create an advert for Youtube, Facebook, or any other social media platform with natural voice-overs. You may totally want to do text-to-speech for other reasons, be it educational or for your personal projects.

What is text to speech technology?

Text to speech technology basically converts text into an audio format for listeners. This could be for various reasons:

  1. You could be targeting to communicate with an audience that would rather listen than read what you have to say.
  2. You could be more effective in communicating to an audience with both text and speech as opposed to just text alone — for example with video marketing campaigns.
  3. You could do more with a video marketing campaign if you did not have to put down every word as text but explain to your audience with speech and put a lot more engaging content on your video instead of just text.
  4. You may be targeting a specific demographic profile for marketing purposes with a geographic location in mind — where accent becomes key. Any effective communication is best in the native speaker’s accent. Text to speech technology enables you to vary the accent to a specific type of audience.
  5. You could be designing a course for your students and would like to convert the text (the learning material/content) into an audio format for listening purposes.

Text to speech technology has advanced over the years. It is not what it was before. Artificial Intelligence tools have made it possible to give voice-overs a natural feel, with correct intonation and suitable accents usable in different contexts depending on the objective of the voice-over.

Reasons why you may consider using a text to speech converter (software) or online tool

  1. Sometimes it may be expensive to keep hiring freelancers to do the job for you, it may even be hectic getting Fiverr gigs that don’t turn out too well and you have already paid for the job to get done.
  2. Sometimes it will take you 3–5 days to wait for your voice-over and that is just too long depending on what you have planned to do; not forgetting the corrections or amendments that could come up and resubmissions of the job back to the freelancer.
  3. And do not forget the accent. British and American accents can be at times expensive compared to other accents, and it is mostly because these accents have the most demand.
  4. Maybe you are not a confident English speaker yourself. So no matter the accent, English isn’t just your thing. Text to speech software becomes a handy tool for you to use.
  5. Microphone equipment and recording tools — it could be that you can speak English well and probably have the right accent but you do not have the tools to easily read the text and convert it into speech. Text-to-speech technology will help you to overcome this shortfall.
  6. It could be that you do not have that radio “baritone” voice, or one like Morgan Freeman’s voice and you want to get your message across despite your knowledge of English. With text to speech technology, you get to choose which voice will work best for you based on your objectives — and you could even choose between genders and different accents.

I can keep listing the challenges with converting text to speech and getting the right voice over but over here I would like to share with you some really cool text-to-speech converters (software) that can make your work online a whole lot easier!

Best Natural Reader Text to Speech Converter (Software/Tool)

The possibilities are limitless with text-to-speech technology, and the solutions endless to any of the problems that I have listed above that you may have encountered. The technology basically gives you the tools to convert any text into voice in a way that is almost non-intrusive to the target audience.

You can bet if someone was to speak to you in your native language, with the right dialect, accent, and voice, and wanted to communicate something to you — you would want to hear what they have to say. This can be taken for granted, but an English-speaking native-speaker would not take anything anyone would have to say seriously if they lacked the grammatical knowledge and eloquence to effectively communicate what they have to say.

So in this section, I will share with you one great text-to-speech software tool that I personally started using to make my work easy, and so can you!


Speechelo is a text-to-speech tool that allows you to make breathtaking human-sounding voiceovers with ease. 98% of the people who hear a voiceover recorded with Speechelo cannot tell that it is not a real human voice.

It is the most natural-sounding text-to-speech software in the market.

Using Speechelo is the equivalent of using a professional voice-over artist without having to incur the exorbitant cost of paying one. And with the software the professional voice is at your beck-and-call, any time you need the voice (and not just one voice but a variety of voices whether male or female with over 30 human-sounding voice options in not just English but other 23 languages. Not just that, you can set it up to get a normal tone, a joyful tone, and a serious tone. And guess what, it works with any video creation software seamlessly!

To get yours today CLICK HERE and enjoy a 53% discount.

I wish you all the best out there. Just remember you can do it yourself. No need for a professional voiceover artist.


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PhilJames Tech Reviews

Freelance Writer, Make-money Online Expert, Online Marketer, Affiliate Marketing, Market-Niche Specialization, and Product Reviews